

A micro dev bootcamp.

MonthApp is a module that consists of four weeks of rapid training, leading to a hackathon. Successful students have gone on to build basic but cool products. Working to rewrite the training materials. v1 points to the old materials we used.


A project Simon and I pioneered. AdClass is now a WorldWide project. Adclass has grown to become an interactive class that introduces students to online marketing using Google's platform; AdWords, AdSense, Admob and Analytics.


A super simple static site generator

Technologies Used

Flask | Flask-FlatPages | Jinja2 | Markdown

SADA's Geoportal

A one-stop shop for sharing and dissemination of spatial data from the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority Zone (SADA Zone) in Ghana. Built with Geonode, a Python/Django based platform.

streamparse Docs

streamparse lets you run Python code against real-time streams of data.


tHelp is an online volunteerism platform. Finalist in the 2013 Google Cloud Developer Challenge.

Technologies Used

WebApp2 | Jinja2 | Google App Engine | Hangouts API | Google API Client Lib | Google Drive API


Quote of the Day Application. Comprised oNative android app(retired) and web app powered by a Google Cloud Endpoints API demonstrating scalable APIs for multiple platforms

The content and source of this site.

Technologies Used

Google App Engine | Flask | Flask-FlatPages | Jinja2


Other Fun Projects

I'll put up posts in due time